February Events
Fri., March 7 – 10-11:30 – Bingo at the First Congregational Church. Play for prizes or just chat over lemonade and cookies. Sign up right away!
Tues., March 11 – 1:00-2:30 – Handcraft Circle at the FCC. Calling all people who knit, crochet, embroider, do cross stitch or needlepoint. Bring your project and socialize to your heart’s content. Sign up by 3/7.
Thurs., March 20 – 12-2 – Luncheon at the FCC. ** Please RSVP by 3/14 to help ensure we prepare enough for all.
Wed., March 26 – 12-2 – Rupert Luncheon at the Firehouse. Please sign up by 3/19 by calling Helen at 802 394-2407.
Tues., March 25, 1:00 – Movie Matinee at the FCC. Popcorn included. Movie TBA. Sign up by 3/21.
Or check us out on FB at https://www.facebook.com/neighbor.toneighbor.16