Turn, Turn, Turn.

The air feels a little crisp in the morning, and the leaves are showing their colors. It’s one of the most beautiful times of the year in the Northshire, and if you live or work in Manchester, you know that a lot of other people feel that way, too. There is traffic, and most of the license plates are from out of state. While townfolk might resent the visitors a little bit, we know our economy depends on people spending money in our town and the surrounding area.

Like our small town, our small nonprofit depends on the generosity of others to keep it going. When you consider your end-of-the-year donations, I hope you will think of Neighbor to Neighbor. We are always here for our care recipients, and in order to be here, we need financial help. Please think about making a sustaining (ongoing) donation using the donate button at the top of the page.

As always, thank you for supporting us and believing in the important work we do to keep our elder neighbors independent in their homes and connected with the larger community.